
Registration Fee Waived By 8/28 明朗中文学校-8月28日及以前免注册费

    Registration Fee Waived By 8/28 明朗中文学校-8月28日及以前免注册费 Hope everyone had a great summer! For the 2022-2023 school year, MLCCC Weekend School will run most of our classes in person at  Great Valley High School  and some of our classes online via ZOOM. Enroll in  MLCCC Weekend School  by August 28 (pay tuition by), and the $30 Registration Fee is Waived! MLCCC's Weekend School is a cornucopia of Mandarin language, academic enrichment, and cultural classes. We welcome everyone of any age or background. In-person classes are on Sundays during the school year (Sep thru May); the first day is Sunday, September 11. Online classes can be on other days of the week. Mandarin Language Classes * Montessori Chinese classes for Pre-K and K (taught by Montessori-certified teachers). * Pre-K through high school levels of Chinese as a Heritage Language for children with Chinese speaking environments at home and with two tracks (Intensive versus Regular). * 8 Chinese as a S...

明朗有故事, 感动你和我

 明朗有故事, 感动你和我 春暖花开的 2022 年 4 月 24 日是明朗丰收的一天! 熙熙攘攘的走廊大厅,有停滞三年重启的识字比赛;而紧张快乐的159教室,有四年来又一次的明朗宣传日活动。明朗校园生活再一次充满了生机 ,新冠疫情前大家一直熟悉的好景象又回到了明朗。 家长们、孩子们 个个精神饱满,踊跃参加各自的竞赛活动。 校园里充满了欢声笑语, 好一个温馨的明朗大家庭! 我们看到了–参赛学生热情远远超过预期,我们不得不临时请考官,增加“考场”; 我们听到了-孩子们比赛完毕用优异的成绩领取到小小奖励的欢声笑语; 我们感动了-家长们踊跃报名争当比赛裁判,认真执考, 记录成绩, 颁发奖品; 我们欣慰了-明朗宣传日活动参赛家长们面带笑容, 意犹未尽; 我们成功了-孩子们比赛有好成绩,家长老师都高兴! 通过识字比赛,学生们对本学期和以往学年所学字词的复习,做到了温故而知新,为下学年的开始打下了基础。 通过参加宣传日活动,家长们更加深刻地了解朗,建设明朗,为明朗的学生们共同创建一个学中文、用中文的大环境。 攥稿: 陶英丽 照片来源: 明朗166影视俱乐部 听听大家的反馈: Amy Tao:  这种又好玩又涨知识的活动希望多搞几次,同时也希望我们的家长们都来学校参与。 现在天气一天比一天好了,大家都来学校吧! Sherry: 今天的活动非常棒,赞李路的组织,和各位队友的合作,有趣又涨知识。期待5/8的茶话会,有吃有喝还有聊,好不容易度过了漫长的冬天,可不能辜负这五月的春光!  今天的明朗宣传日非常有趣,又让我们学习了很多新知识,也对明朗有了更多的了解。谢谢李路的组织和策划。  SYD: 今天的竞赛,拼手速拼知识欢乐无比,号召大家明年都来参加呀,结识朋友增涨知识奖品丰厚  mingqian:  必须给明朗无影手Jessie一个大大的赞,今天比赛展现了她非凡的手速,人才,顶你 。 Xin: 今天的活动非常生动可爱,感谢李路拉我参与,感觉找到了组织!并且今天还喜提“巨款”,把娃高兴坏了,和队友合作非常愉快,队友们知识渊博,可惜我们手速太慢.以后这么好玩的活动请组织多举办!  Julia: 今天大厅里也很热闹。50多名学生们来参加了识字比赛。把裁判和admin 忙坏了。 多谢热心家长们 。 李冰: 我们组自从换了抢...

Things to Do for Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend in Greater Philadelphia 2022

Things to Do for Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend in Greater Philadelphia 2022 Philly celebrates the civil rights leader — plus more things to do over the long weekend, Janua ry 14-17, 2022... A lot is going on in Philly to celebrate MLK day, take a look and join one, or more, and make a difference for the community that we live in. And support a business owned/operated by African Americans. Every year, Philadelphia honors the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a day of giving back and an extended weekend of in-person and virtual activities to celebrate Dr. King across the city. For 2022, Philadelphia museums and attractions — including The African American Museum in Philadelphia, Woodmere Art Museum, and the Museum of the American Revolution — hold special events, programs, and workshops to celebrate King. Volunteers can also find service opportunities during the...


天马迅达集团联手明朗中国文化中心 开发大费城地区美中优质快递服务 天马公司业务介绍及信息发布 美国天马物流集团是集美国到中国物流,中国到美国物流,跨境电商配套服务,国际仓储物流服务 为一体的大型综合物流快递公司,是美国最大的华人物流公司。总部位于加州洛杉矶,总仓库面积达 30多万平方英尺。并在全美国的洛杉矶,芝加哥,亚特兰大,达拉斯,纽约、波特兰,旧金山 7大城市设有大 型集散中心,服务网络覆盖 95%美国地区人口,在全美 40 个州设立 了100 余家门店。 天马迅达快递为全美华人及跨境电商的买家和卖家提供优质、安全、方便、快捷的物流服务。包括 国际快递、出口报关、国际运输、货运转发、目的地国进口清关、电子商务仓储、从包装到存放的仓储 综合解决方案、订单管理、异地配送、电子商务供应链咨询以及其他定制物流服务等服务, 满足不同买 家与卖家需求的一站式物流解决平台。 即日起, 明朗和天马联合为大费城地区华裔社区提供方便优质的快递服务, 欢迎咨询, 接洽! Tianma Logistics Group is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has large-scale distribution centers in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and 6 other major cities. It integrates cross-border e-commerce support services, international warehousing and logistics, and delivery services within the United States. It is the largest Chinese logistics company with the widest range of services in the United States. Tianma Schindler Express, a subsidiary of Tianma Logistics Group (with more than 100 stores), is curren...

Save Money, Be Happy!

Dear Friends, This is our last friendly reminder for you to save $30. Here is how: Register on or before 11:59 PM today, September 1st, 2021 , to waive the registration fee ($30). After that, all registrations will incur a $30 registration fee, with no exception. Please register asap, save money and help us with our academic planning too. 三十块钱不多, 能省就省!你省钱, 我们高兴。 明朗新学年, 线上线下课程多种多样任您挑选, 九月一日 是免注册费注册的最后一天, 报名+交学费, 务必在今晚11:59pm之前, 错过会后悔, 现在注册还有足够时间! 重返校园, 让我们一起归还属于孩子们的童年! 2021-2022 Registration Link/注册链接 Class Schedule Link/课程表链接 We will share more detailed strict COVID-19 Procedures in our following newsletter; please stay tuned. Here is a LINK to a more detailed registration process, including logging in, registering classes, making payments, etc... Email us anytime at if you have questions. Thank you, we look forward to seeing you all on GVHS campus on September 12th. Welcome to MLCCC, where we create a happy childhood, one child at a time! **************** 明朗推荐牙齿整形矫正美化...

MLCCC 2021-2022 School Year Online Registration Instructions

 2021-2022 School Year Registration Welcome to the return of in-person learning at MLCCC!  明朗中文学校 在线注册继续 Dear Parents and Friends, 明朗新学年网上注册和教科书预订现在开始 MLCCC Weekend School 2021-22 Enroll in MLCCC Weekend School by September 1 (pay tuition by)  and a $30 Registration Fee is Waived! For the 2021-2022 school year, MLCCC Weekend School will run most of our classes in-person at Great Valley High School and some of our classes online via ZOOM . Our Weekend School is a cornucopia of Mandarin language, academic, enrichment, and cultural classes. We welcome everyone, of any age or background. In-person classes are on Sunday afternoons during the school year (Sept thru May); the first day at the GVHS is Sunday, September 12. Online classes can be other days of the week and can start on Saturday, September 11 depending on the class. Mandarin Language Classes * Montessori Chinese classes for Pre-K and K. * Kindergarten through high school levels of Chinese as a Heritage Language...